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Ученическия съвет към ПГКПИ-Бургас е форма на ученическо самоуправление.
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Ученическия съвет организира разлини събития и празници с цел разнообрзяване на училищния живот
0xC0 Nowadays the pollution of the water and air is one of the leading problems of the 21st century. Because of this reason our team decided to set the following: To be made website with whom we want to reach bigger part of the people. To...
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The Binary Trio
When you think of the word ‘economy’ what is the first color that comes to your mind? Many people would probably say it reminds them of grey but if one color should be defined as the representative of the future of economy, it should be blue. That’s right, blue...
The Band of Ocean
The Band of Ocean Our modern society has a large need of energy in the form of electricity. We use it in our everyday lives as well as to power our industries. But where does that electricity come from? How does it get stored until just the right time for us to use...
Code https://github.com/PKKostov/water-economy.git Documents Blue economy project
Team BSK
Team BSK GitHub: https://github.com/kddinev18/blue-economy-team-bsk OneDrive: https://codingburgas-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/bbferdinandov18_codingburgas_bg/EooM4aRsgkpHrHLEOVobz0wBUdKwAr9s91pZvikqiI8MLQ?e=G5ADGw
The topic is quite popular right now, so we didn’t have any major problems finding information about it In recent years the concept of the Earth becoming more polluted & warmer due to global warming and various gasses went from fiction to reality. Thousand of...
Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/www/wwwroot/codingburgas.net/wp-content/uploads/et_temp/Capture-4-335476_1080x675.png) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/wwwroot/temp.codingburgas.net/:/tmp/) in /www/wwwroot/temp.codingburgas.net/wp-content/themes/Divi/epanel/custom_functions.php on line 1540
The code https://github.com/knandrikov/Hydralo.git Documents 4.1 Goals Our main goal is to make underwater cities that are just like the nowadays ones only to make the world less overpopulated. We have prepared a lot of stuff that will be used to live underwater. 4.2...
One of the biggest problems of the 21st century is the environmental pollution. One way to fight this problem is the self-awareness of people, as it is better that this process starts in infancy. Education in schools is related to the study of mathematics, native...
MOGA Our project has a goal to help already established organisations in improving the purity of the ocean waters. GitHub: https://github.com/husseinabumelih/MOGA2 OneDrive:...
Georgi Zhechev
Georgi Zhechev Сайтът “Ocean blue economy” се намира на адрес https://gjechev.wordpress.com/. Разработен е с безпратната версия на “wordpress.com”. ...