За нас
Ученическия съвет към ПГКПИ-Бургас е форма на ученическо самоуправление.
Как мога да стана част?
Част могат да бъдат само ученици от професионалната гимназия по компютърно програмиране и иновации
Ученическия съвет организира разлини събития и празници с цел разнообрзяване на училищния живот
Team Water
Team Water Git Hub: https://github.com/MDTsifundarov/Blue-energy-project
Alpha Малинка
Documentation BLUE ECONOMY https://github.com/DPDyakov18/BlueEconomy2020Project Blue Economy isn‘t only about the water pollution, but includes the air too. This subject has much bigger meaning. It's affects a lot of sectors, but we decided to go for carbon...
Tech Bears
GitHub: https://github.com/dmkalchev18/AirProjec OneDrive: AirProject Our goal is to measure air quality and other environment parameters. The citizens in the area will be aware of the current whether conditions.
ITG We chose this theme, because we think that not much is said on this topic as not a lot of people really care about the oceans. I am Hristo Hristov and made this website to grow awareness in the people that think ocean and overall water pollution is not...
Environmentally Friendly
Environmentally Friendly Goal: Our goal is to tell the world about people who are trying to save the world by cleaning the oceans. The Stages of Work were: Inventing the idea of the site; Collection Information; Designing; Adding extra stuff to the site (animations,...
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Bulgarian Team
https://github.com/gskoradov18/bulgaria-on-three-oceans.git The main team goal is to make small, but multifunctional weaher station, that can measure barometric presure, air temperature and humidity, wind direction and speed and rainfall. It will serve to make the...
Blue Wave
BlueWave As we all have heard, the oceans are the biggest resource, which the humanity have. We have explored only 10% of our oceans and seas, whereas they are 71% of the world’s surface. The idea of our team is to show one side of the whole potential of the oceans...
https://github.com/PGPetkov18/Bad-Boys We chose this topic because very few people think about what we are interrupting. The main idea of the project is to reach more people and be able to understand that we need to protect the air on the planet. Many people think...
Blue Team
Blue Team GitHub: https://github.com/RoyalFang/SimplyEcologicalWorld.git OneDrive: https://codingburgas-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/gamihov18_codingburgas_bg/EpOFWIpQ_IREh3ez_EgcWRIBH9liovFtiiCRZr4vcZL6bg?e=M0tYqg
https://github.com/IPBachvarov18/Project-2020 1.1 Goals Our main goal is to reduce the killing of sea turtles around the world. Also we want to know a little bit more about how they live. 1.2 Main stages in realizing the project Firstly, we made up the idea...