We chose this topic because very few people think about what we are interrupting. The main idea of the project is to reach more people and be able to understand that we need to protect the air on the planet. Many people think that nothing depends on us. We want to prove that this is not the case because we have caused all this to nature.
1.1 Goals Our main goal is to reduce the killing of sea turtles around the world. Also we want to know a little bit more about how they live. 1.2 Main stages in realizing the project Firstly, we made up the idea of the project. Secondly, we search if there is enough information about this. Thirdly, we wrote the code of the site. After that we improve the site and connect it with the Arduino. After that we did the Arduino and finally, we did the presentation and the documentation. 1.3 Difficulty level of the project One of the difficulties in our team was that a long period of time we didn’t have an idea. Another difficult was two persons of our team have difficulties with connecting to GitHub. Also we have some difficulties with the documentation and the presentation. And with the organization in our team. 1.4 Logical and functional description of the solution Our project is combination with website and Arduino. The site is about our idea for saving turtles. And what you need to do to save them. There is information about why we choose this theme and why they are in big danger. Arduino is for the technical part of the site. And it also can be in big support in the future if it’s used well.
As we know transport is a worldwide global problem. There is a lot of traffic congestion, crashes, noise, air pollution, landscape destruction, or greenhouse gas emissions and.. The costs from our current forms of transport are dangerously high and getting worse.
https://github.com/vgkavaldzhiev18/Project-Energy.git Documents The main goal of the project is development of site by which to inform the community about how to produce energy using natural recources and why it is better to save and produce energy by more economical way. Reducing the quantity of waste and polluting by changing the production and consumption patterns. This includes the development of alternative fuels, new means of generating energy and energy efficiency.Development and use of electrical systems that use less energy. This leads to a reduction in electricity consumption, which means less consumption of fossil fuels. The information we offer will hopefully stimulate and motive more people to take the first steps in this area.
Our goals: Our site exists with one main goal in mind – to inform the world about the dangers of pollution and how important the ocean is for the survivability of many countries and communities. There are many other sites which present information about the blue economy status of countries but our site differs from them because we use various technologies to integrate up-to-date information about countries on a custom map.
Main stages of development and our contribution to the project: Our project manager,Alexander Hristov, worked on gathering information and preparing the documentation you are reading right now and also creating the presentation material. Our developer, Kristian Milanov, worked on creating an interactive map which upon selecting a continent and a country displays information about the chosen country. The map is currently in a W.I.P state and only a few countries are available as of this moment.Dani Dimov, our graphic designer, worked on creating the body and the visual appearance of our site. He is responsible for making the site aesthetically nice and pleasing for the eyes.