


Nowadays the pollution of the water and air is one of the leading problems of the 21st century. Because of this reason our team decided to set the following: 

  • To be made website with whom we want to reach bigger part of the people. 
  • To inform about problems with the pollution of the air, rivers, seas and the oceans. 

GitHub: https://github.com/IMDimov18/Project1

OneDrive: https://codingburgas-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/imdimov18_codingburgas_bg/El4X8ibTwdFBkaA40R_NiU0BsnycOhMIJScruuN5fZcjAg?e=PMez9g

Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/www/wwwroot/codingburgas.net/wp-content/uploads/et_temp/Capture-6-498168_1080x675.png) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/wwwroot/temp.codingburgas.net/:/tmp/) in /www/wwwroot/temp.codingburgas.net/wp-content/themes/Divi/epanel/custom_functions.php on line 1540
The Binary Trio

The Binary Trio

When you think of the word ‘economy’ what is the first color that comes to your mind? Many people would probably say it reminds them of grey but if one color should be defined as the representative of the future of economy, it should be blue. That’s right, blue because most of the potential of our oceans, seas, coasts and rivers could create new opportunities, promoting sustainable, inclusive growth and so much more. This is the reason why more people should learn and know about the benefits of protecting the marine resources and using them thoughtfully. All the bodies of water are critical to sustaining Earth’s life support systems and the billions of people who are dependent on them for livelihoods, food security and economic development. That is why we decided to create a website and a Chatbot who can help people become more familiar with the concept of Blue Economy.
The Band of Ocean

The Band of Ocean

The Band of Ocean

Our modern society has a large need of energy in the form of electricity. We use it in our everyday lives as well as to power our industries. But where does that electricity come from? How does it get stored until just the right time for us to use it? How does it get to us? Our goal is to provide the answers to those questions in an interesting and engaging way.

GitHub: https://github.com/eiribarev/blue-energy

OneDrive: https://codingburgas-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/eiribarev_codingburgas_bg/Documents/Blue%20Energy?csf=1&e=udgwrg



The topic is quite popular right now, so we didn’t have any major problems finding information about it

In recent years the concept of the Earth becoming more polluted & warmer due to global warming and various gasses went from fiction to reality. Thousand of cities, especially those with big factories and economic production, are now suffering from contaminated water and polluted air. Both of which are mere impossible to consume and breathe. The purpose of this site is to give ideas to the public about how they can change the environment and use energy from natural sources without consequences.

GitHub: https://github.com/VTStanchev18/project-EWA.git

OneDrive: https://codingburgas-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/vtstanchev18_codingburgas_bg/EqXAEbYpl-xHoyNAnhcU62EBf_C_ztapyBQzQqKJE2Yy5Q?e=vzhh67